



歡迎來到 Xfce 社群。加入我們的團隊,您將會是提供驚人自由軟體運算體驗的數百人國際計畫的一份子。您將會認識新朋友、學到新技能,並且可以對數百萬個使用者做出貢獻,與來自世界各地的人們一同工作。您有許多方式可以成為我們的一份子,請閱讀並挑選一個您感興趣或覺得具有挑戰性的領域。



有許多人使用並測試 Xfce。透過提供實用且最新的文件,您將可以幫助人們了解如何使用 Xfce 桌面環境。 瞭解更多 →


您精通多國語言?透過貢獻您的翻譯文字到 Xfce 桌面環境,您將可以幫助 Xfce 在全球市場中變的更好,更能接觸到數百萬的潛在使用者。 瞭解更多 →


By becoming a developer, you can make a big difference while enjoying a challenging and fun experience. You'll learn to be a better coder, you will get to implement new features and defeat daunting bugs, creating a stunning product, all the while collaborating with people from all around the world. You can start by browsing the source code.


If you own a blog or website you can greatly help by spreading the word and encouraging new users to give Xfce a try. If you have a Mastodon or Twitter account you can also help by reposting any announcements we make to help us reach a larger audience.


One of the most useful tasks that we rely on the community for is testing and reporting of bugs. Since Xfce runs on various platform and in a lot of different setups, testing all changes in every possible situation is an impossible task. As such we kindly ask users to assist in testing, and reporting all bugs they may find, using our bug tracker.

臭蟲一旦被發現,造成臭蟲的原因就需要被追蹤,然後(顯然是)被修復。如果您想要參與 Xfce 的開發過程,其中一個好方式就是解決臭蟲然後提交修補程式檔。


If you want to fund the project, you can use OpenCollective. Xfce has created two collectives, known as Xfce ($) and Xfce-Eu (€) respectively. 瞭解更多 →